welcome to beyond counselling

Counselling in Cheltenham and Stroud and online for my Bristol clients

Are you struggling following a life event?

Do you feel flat and just getting out of bed is hard work?

Are you feeling tearful and don't know why?

Do you need someone to talk to in total confidence?

Welcome to my website.

My name is Jean and I'm a practising counsellor in two central locations in Gloucestershire.

Palace Chambers, London Road, Stroud, GL5 2AJ and

Calderwood House, 7 Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham GL50 1UA

Be sure to mention which location you want.

I also work using Skype, WhatsApp and phone for new and existing clients in Bristol and anyone who cannot get to Stroud or Cheltenham to see me.

After a major personal loss myself, I contacted Cruse Bereavement Care and experienced the benefits of counselling first hand.

Jean Headshot

It enabled me to make sense of my feelings and adjust to my new life without my partner. I felt I needed to make meaning from my trauma and took the decision to change the course of my life from a business background and re-trained as a counsellor.

I've worked as a bereavement volunteer for Cruse Bereavement Care in Bristol for over 12 years alongside my private practice. During this time I gained a wealth of experience and learning from my clients who experienced many different and traumatic experiences themselves. We all have different ways of coping and have varied support and personal resources available to us, so, although there are similarities, there are also differences in the way we work through or grief. I have learnt that everyone's needs and journeys are different but that we must all work through our it safely and in our own time.

I've been reflecting on the impact that the Covid-19 lockdown had on us and the anxieties and anger felt by not being able to be with loved ones at their time of need. For many there is the lingering uncertainty that life isn't safe anymore so it is so important to do things in our own time and be compassionate towards each other.

If you decide to embark on counselling, the hardest step could be deciding which counsellor to choose. There are lots of us and there is no right or wrong. Empathic communication relies on the chemistry and relationship built between us so take your time and read a few different descriptions before you decide. It probably feels very scary to take that first step into the unknown so I invite you to contact me (and maybe one or two others) to see how it feels before you decide.

So, why me? How can I help you?

I can allay your fears by answering your questions and we will work at your pace. It's important that you feel safe so we need to build trust. This takes time.

Please feel free to contact me on 07557 911551 or click here if you prefer to email me.

I work face to face as a therapist in central locations at Calderwood House, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire and Palace Chambers, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Both locations are easy to reach by public transport and have parking nearby.

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and feel that it's impossible to see further than today. Counselling could be your first step towards a brighter tomorrow and maybe viewing events from a new perspective. Allowing you to tell your story, possibly for the very first time and be heard. Click here to read what my clients have said.

I work with individuals on an open-ended basis or for an agreed time period, with the aim of enabling you to enhance your life and to live it more fully. I'm committed to providing counselling in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment. After we have been in touch you can attend a first "exploratory" session with me without any obligation for just £30 for 50 minutes. If we proceed to work together, my fees will be £60 for 50 minutes. If I am not the right counsellor for you, I may be able to help you find another therapist.

I am experienced in helping clients who have experienced difficulties with:

Suicidal thoughts


Panic Attacks





Complex Grief

Domestic Violence

Sexual Abuse

Bristol On-line

I no longer work physically in Bristol but am able to support existing and new clients on an online basis using Skype, WhatsApp and phone.

Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham

I also have a room at Calderwood House, 7 Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham which is very conveniently situated on the lower ground floor of this lovely building. Parking in the road.

Photos of the room and building shortly.

London Road, Stroud

The first floor room at Palace Chambers is in a renovated Grade 2 listed Regency building a minute walk to the town centre or Waitrose. There is ample parking at the rear in the council car park which is free after 3pm.

Get in touch

Contact me on 07557 911551 or use the form below to email me.

Don't forget to add your preferred location.


GDPR Statement

I am registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) which means I needto tell you what information I am collecting from you and why I have it.

Name, email address, telephone number and address – I use this information to contact you to arrange our sessions and between sessions as necessary. I will normally use text or phone.

Doctor’s details -

If you have given me this information, I may use it to contact your GP if I was worried that you were at risk. I will inform you of my intention to do this if I am able to do this.

Will I share your data? – I may have to share it if, in the unlikely event, my notes are subpoenaed by the courts, if you or anyone you tell me about is at harm or risk of harm, I may have to pass your information onto police or your GP.

Storage of Data – I keep brief hand written notes which are kept in a secure and private place and serve as a record of our work together.

Should you not consent to me keeping and using your data it is unlikely that I will be able to work with you.

I have full Professional Liability Insurance with Towergate Professional Risks.

Some frequently asked questions

How many sessions will I need?

You are in control of this. Some people come for a few sessions and some want to continue longer. It might be that you return for support to get through a current life event or to get further support as you transition through life.

How can listening help me?

I listen and really hear what you are saying. This may be the first time you have felt truly heard. I like to ask questions to understand and we might look at things from a different perspective to gain new insights.

Sometimes it is helpful to use objects or symbols and even introduce some more creative aspects to our work together. Many clients enjoy this aspect of exploration and are really surprised at the what can be achieved.

I might also introduce some Mindfulness techniques.

Everyone's needs are different and we will learn together what works for you.

How much will counselling cost?

My fees are £60 for 50 minutes although I invite you to meet me for an initial session for £30 so you can decide if I am the right counsellor for you. I have a limited number of concessions available and this can be discussed with me if you decide to proceed. Please feel free to message me for an exploratory chat free of charge.

Where are you?

I'm located in Palace Chambers, London Road, Stroud and also Calderwood House in Montpellier Parade, Cheltenham. Both therapy rooms are in central locations and in easy reach of public transport. You may also remember me from my practice in Bristol which I closed on 21st December 2023. From January I am pleased to continue our work using Skype or WhatsApp. Of course, I also welcome new clients.